that doggone star again

På 8,6 ljusårs avstånd hittar vi den stjärna som ser ljusast ut på natthimlen, men som bara är den ungefär sjunde närmaste till vår sol. De fem - sex stjärnor som är närmare är dock mycket svagare än Sirius, som är dubbelt så tung som Solen. Sirius är egentligen ett dubbelstjärnesystem, Sirius A och B, där den mindre stjärnan Sirius B är en vit dvärg som har kollapsat till Jordens storlek trots att den är lika tung som Solen.


Som den starkaste stjärnan på himlen så har Sirius en viktig mening för otaliga folkslag över hela världen. För de gamla egyptierna så var det dags att skörda när Sirius steg på himlen. Speciellt ett folkslags myter om Sirius har dock väckt speciell uppmärksamhet, och det rör sej om Dogon-folket i Mali i nordvästafrika.


De sa sej ha fått besök av "Nommo" för länge sen, som var en amfibisk intelligent typ av varelser som gav dogonerna deras första visa män, hogoner.


De franska antropologerna Marcel Griaule och Germaine Dieterlen publicerade först en bok 1948 som bl.a innehöll uppgifter om att de från en av dogonfolkets vise hade fått några astronomiska uppgifter som verkade vara korrekta. Den vise sa att informationen ursprungligen kom från Nommo och antropologerna påstod ingenting själva om saken.


1976 kom så The Sirius Mystery av Robert K G Temple där han kom fram till att den troligaste förklaringen till den astronomiska kunskapen var att Dogonerna för kanske 6500 år sen haft kontakt med utomjordlingar. Temple diskuterade även andra möjligheter som han dock fann mindre sannolika. Det är en mycket spekulativ bok som t.ex tar upp likheter mellan Nommo-myten och Oannes-myten. Temple har senare klargjort att han inte på något sätt stödjer de "sinister cults" som har inspirerats av boken.


1977 kom Cosmic Trigger av Robert Anton Wilson, där han bl.a diskuterar möjligheten av intelligent liv i Sirius-systemet. Hans speciella vinkel är dock att han upplever sej ha fått telepatisk kontakt med dem. Det behöver dock inte nödvändigtvis vara sant. Wilson anser sej vara agnostiker angående precis allt och vill också att vi andra ska bli det. Hans ursprungliga kontakter med siriusianerna ska ha skett 1973-74. Det finns en intressant koppling till science fiction-gengrens okrönte kung Philip K Dick och till nobelpristagerskan Doris Lessing här.


"Phil Dick and I had a long conversation one afternoon at Santa Rosa, and it was only a year later that I found out that he and I had exactly similar experiences at approximately the same time, which left both of us wondering if we'd been contacted by god, by the devil, by an extra-terrestrial from Sirius or by some evil parapsychologist working for either the CIA or the KGB, or if we had just gone temporarily crazy. Then I realized this whole long conversation was Phil's attempt to find out how crazy I was. If I was sane, there was a chance that he was sane too. But if I was crazy, that increased the probability that he was crazy. He apparently decided that I was sane enough that he could trust that he was possibly sane too, so he started publishing some of his experiences, which now are in several books: Valis, The Divine Invasion, The Transmigration of Timothy Archer, Radio Free Albemuth and the Exegesis. My accounts of similar experiences are in Cosmic Trigger Vol. 1."

- Robert Anton Wilson


"In this connection, I am often asked about two books by other authors which are strangely resonant with Cosmic Trigger -- namely VALIS by Philip K. Dick and The Sirian Experiment by Doris Lessing. VALIS is a novel which broadly hints that it is more than a novel -- that it is an actual account of Phil Dick's own experience with some form of "Higher Intelligence." In fact, VALIS is only slightly fictionalized; the actual events on which it is based are recounted in a long interview Phil gave shortly before his death (see Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament, by Gregg Rickman.) The parallels with my own experience are numerous -- but so are the differences. If the same source was beaming ideas to both Phil and me, the messages got our individual flavors mixed into them as we decoded the signals.


I met Phil Dick on two or three occasions and corresponded with him a bit. My impression was that he was worried that his experience was a temporary insanity and was trying to figure out if I was nutty, too. I'm not sure if he ever decided.


I interviewed Doris Lessing a few years ago for New Age magazine. She takes synchronicities very seriously, but was as agnostic as I am about the possibility that some of them are orchestrated by Sirians.


I heartily recommend all three volumes -- VALIS, The Last Testament and The Sirian Experiments -- to readers of this book. Unless you are locked into a very dogmatic reality-tunnel, you will have a few weird moments of wondering if Sirians are experimenting on us, and a few weird moments can be a liberating experience for those who aren't scared to death by them." 

- Robert Anton Wilson


"Shikasta gave rise to a religious cult in America. Lessing said in an interview that its followers had written to her and asked, "When are we going to be visited by the gods?", and she told them that the book is "not a cosmology. It's an invention", and they replied, "Ah, you're just testing us"."


Karlheinz Stockhausen skrev 1975 - 77 ett stycke som kallades Sirius, med lite av en science fiction handling. Han hävdar att han fick inspiration från en serie drömmar.


"Other snippets of vitally important information then came to me through a couple of revelatory dreams. Crazy dreams, from which it emerged that not only did I come from Sirius itself, but that, in fact, I completed my musical education there."


PKDs sista outgivna, knappt påbörjade, bok skulle ju också ha handlat om ljud och utomjordlingar.


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